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Getting dental implants offers cosmetic and functional benefits. They are the only permanent restoration available and, with good dental care, could last for the rest of your lifetime. If you get a consultation at your local dental clinic, you can find out if you are a candidate for a dental implant. In this article, we are going to outline what to know before getting dental implants.

Dental Implants Look And Function Like Natural Teeth

A dental implant is the closest tooth replacement to natural teeth in terms of look, feel and function. During dental implant surgery, the titanium post becomes integrated with your jawbone, making it stable and long-lasting. This means you can bite and chew with the same force as your natural teeth, and the dental implant will not move around.


Dental Implants Have A Very High Success Rate

Dental implant surgery is considered to be a successful and predictable procedure. With a success rate of up to 95%, most dental implants will last for ten years or longer if you have a healthy jawbone to support them. This is a higher success rate than most other procedures, so if you are a candidate, the odds are in your favour.


Dental Implants Can Benefit Your Physical Appearance

Missing teeth impact facial fullness and harmony. When you are missing teeth, it can cause your cheeks to appear sunken and your lips to fold over your mouth. By restoring an arch, you add volume to your face, which can take years off your appearance.


Dental Implants Are A Long-Term Investment

Tooth implants are not completed overnight. The procedure requires a great deal of skill and needs to be completed in stages. After each stage, you need time to heal and recover. For many patients, this translates into nine to 12 months of commitment. On the flip side, they can last for the rest of your lifetime, so it is certainly worth getting the procedure done right the first time.


Not All Patients Require Bone Grafts

So many patients are concerned about the need for bone graft surgery when tooth implants are recommended to them, but the truth is, not everybody needs bone grafting. A bone graft only needs to be done if your jaw is too soft or thin to support the implant. This may occur if your tooth has been missing for a long time or if you suffer from a degenerative disease like osteoarthritis.

what to know before getting dental implant kellyvilleIn the event that you do need a bone graft, it’s also quite possible that a minor graft can be done just before the placement of your implant.

And, if you really do not want a bone graft, your dental practitioner may recommend a type of dental implant that does not anchor into the jaw itself but rather sits above it. There are always options available.

A dentist that offers consultation will do an x-ray and let you know if you have sufficient jaw available to support an implant.


Dental Implants Do Not Decay

Although they are similar to natural teeth in so many ways, tooth implants are not subject to decay like teeth. You still need to practice excellent oral care to look after your remaining natural teeth and keep your soft tissue free of gum disease, but you do not have to worry about decay.


The Dental Implant Procedure Is Not Painful

Dental implant surgery is performed under anaesthetic to make it as comfortable as possible and manage pain. Once the anaesthetic wears off, it is normal to experience some discomfort, but this can be managed relatively easily using over-the-counter pain medication. We understand that patients want to avoid pain at all costs, so we take a gentle approach to the procedure and equip our patients with the post-operative knowledge needed to speed up healing and recovery.


Dental Implants Require Little To No Maintenance

While dentures might need relining, repairs and replacements on a regular basis, tooth implants are permanent and do not require any special care. You look after your tooth implants just like your other natural teeth. As long as you brush and floss twice a day and visit your dentist every six months, your implant should remain in good condition.


Tooth Implants Prevent Bone Loss

Your dental implant is the only restoration available to prevent bone loss in the jaw. Implants function as tooth roots, which stimulate the underlying jaw bone. If you were to opt for dentures or a dental bridge, you could expect to experience bone loss below the missing tooth because these prostheses sit above your gum line.


Dental Implants Can Be Used To Replace Multiple Teeth

It is possible to replace multiple teeth using only a few implants. In fact, it is possible to support an entire arch of missing teeth using four dental implants or to use implants to support a denture or bridge. This still provides a stable and secure foundation for your tooth replacement.

If you still have questions about what to know before getting dental implants or would like to book a dental consultation near you, please contact us for a convenient appointment: (02) 9158 6379.




Dental implant surgery


Dental Implants: What You Should Know

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