Call Us: (02) 9158 6379

Your Devoted Dentist Near Marayong

Ensuring superior family dental support with a personal engagement!

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Kellyville patients

At MyHM Dentist in Kellyville, NSW, we’re dedicated to comprehensive dental care and enhancing smiles. Our clinic is renowned for offering a wide spectrum of dental services designed to cater to the oral health needs of individuals at every life stage.

At the helm of our clinic is Dr. Matsuoka, whose extensive experience and gentle touch have made her a beloved figure among patients seeking quality dental care. 

Advanced Technology

Our practice leverages the latest in digital dentistry for efficient, precise, and comfortable care.


We Listen

Our Kellyville dentist values patient communication and customising dental care to meet individual health and aesthetic desires.

Flexible appointments

Need to fit dental visits around your lifestyle? Seeking a group session for your family? Let’s arrange it.


marayong dentist

At MyHM Dentist in Kellyville, NSW, we’re dedicated to comprehensive dental care and enhancing smiles. Our clinic is renowned for offering a wide spectrum of dental services designed to cater to the oral health needs of individuals at every life stage.

At the helm of our clinic is Dr. Matsuoka, whose extensive experience and gentle touch have made her a beloved figure among patients seeking quality dental care. 

Advanced Technology

Our practice leverages the latest in digital dentistry for efficient, precise, and comfortable care.


We Listen

Our Kellyville dentist values patient communication and customising dental care to meet individual health and aesthetic desires.

Flexible appointments

Need to fit dental visits around your lifestyle? Seeking a group session for your family? Let’s arrange it.


marayong dental clinic


Our practice covers all facets of oral health care, from routine examinations to complex fillings and meticulous gum maintenance.

quakers hill, nsw 2148

Cosmetic dental services

Transform your smile with our expert cosmetic treatments, including whitening, veneers, crowns, and bonding.

dental implants marayong dental clinic


Leverage cutting-edge technology for dental implants at our clinic, ensuring a swift, secure, and straightforward process.


kids dentistry marayong dental clinic

Kids Dentistry

Dedicated to making dental visits enjoyable, we offer a caring and gentle approach for our youngest patients.

marayong nsw 2148

Root canal treatment

Our clinic excels in root canal therapy, employing advanced techniques to quickly alleviate pain and rejuvenate dental health.

stanhope shopping village

Teeth Grinding

Our clinic provides targeted strategies to combat teeth grinding, offering both preventive advice and effective treatment options.

Need help with any of these Kellyville dental treatments/services? Give us a call today!

about dr. Matsuoka

about dr. Matsuoka

Dr. Hiromi Matsuoka adopts a gentle and reassuring approach to dentistry in Kellyville. She has the instant ability to be able to alleviate patient fears and make them feel both calm and relaxed. As such, although she has only been practising in Kellyville for a short period, she has over 20 years of dental experience under her belt, previously practicing dentistry on the Gold Coast. 

dr. Matsuoka

Dr. Hiromi Matsuoka adopts a gentle and reassuring approach to dentistry in Kellyville. She has the instant ability to be able to alleviate patient fears and make them feel both calm and relaxed. As such, although she has only been practising in Kellyville for a short period, she has over 20 years of dental experience under her belt, previously practicing dentistry on the Gold Coast. 

dr matsuoka marayong dental clinic

Latest News

Our Kellyville Dentist

How is the placement process of dental implants carried out?

Initial Consultation and Planning

  • Comprehensive Assessment. The journey towards dental implant placement begins with an initial consultation. During this phase, a highly qualified team conducts a thorough assessment of the patient’s oral health, including the use of advanced imaging techniques to evaluate the jawbone’s condition and to plan the implant placement meticulously. This step ensures that the proposed treatment aligns with the patient’s dental needs and overall health status.
  • Customised Treatment Planning. Following the assessment, a customised treatment plan is developed. This plan takes into account the number and location of missing teeth, the health of the jawbone, and any additional procedures that may be required to prepare the site for implant placement.

Preparatory Procedures

  • Addressing Pre-existing Conditions. Prior to the implant surgery, any pre-existing dental issues, such as gum disease, are treated to create a healthy foundation for the implants. This ensures the best possible outcome from the implant procedure.
  • Bone Grafting (If Necessary). For patients with inadequate bone density to support a tooth implant, bone grafting may be performed. This procedure involves augmenting the jawbone with bone material to provide a solid foundation for the implant, requiring several months of healing before the implant placement can proceed.

Implant Placement Surgery

  • The Role of Advanced Dental Surgery. Dental implant placement is a form of dental surgery that requires precision and expertise. Under local anaesthesia, a small incision is made in the gum to expose the bone, where a titanium post, serving as the artificial tooth root, is then carefully inserted.
  • Ensuring Patient Comfort. Throughout the procedure, the focus remains on ensuring patient comfort. The highly qualified team of dentists utilises the latest techniques and technologies to minimise discomfort and promote a smooth recovery.

Post-Surgical Care and Recovery

  • Immediate Aftercare. Post-surgery, patients receive comprehensive instructions for proper healing. This includes guidance on oral hygiene practices, dietary recommendations, and any necessary follow-up appointments.
  • Osseointegration Period. A critical phase after the placement of the implant is osseointegration, where the jawbone grows around the implanted titanium post, securely anchoring it in place. This process can take several months, during which the implant becomes firmly integrated with the bone.

Final Restoration

  • Attaching the Abutment and Crown. After osseointegration, an abutment is affixed to the implant, followed by the placement of a bespoke dental crown, blending seamlessly with neighbouring teeth.
  • Ensuring a Natural Look and Feel. The final step in the dental implant process focuses on cosmetic dentistry, ensuring that the implant looks and feels like a natural tooth. This involves meticulous attention to detail by the dental team to achieve an aesthetically pleasing and functional result.

Are dental implants safe?

Tooth implants are considered safe and effective for replacing missing teeth when performed by qualified dental professionals, following a thorough assessment and proper procedure protocols.

What is the longevity of teeth whitening outcomes?

The longevity of teeth whitening outcomes can vary, typically lasting from several months to a few years, depending on lifestyle choices and oral hygiene practices.

In need of a family dentist who prioritises your smile and well-being? Look no further than MyHM Dentist. Reach out to us at (02) 9158 6379 to arrange a visit and experience unparalleled dental care.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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