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Your Devoted Dentist Near Schofields

Providing exceptional family dental treatment with a personal touch!

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Kellyville patients

MyHM Dentist in Kellyville, NSW, emerges as your premier destination for comprehensive family dental care. Our services are meticulously designed to nurture, rejuvenate, and preserve the health and aesthetics of your smile for the long term.

Dr. Matsuoka leads our practice with an impressive blend of expertise and empathy, having served the community for over two decades. Her commitment to gentle, effective care solidifies our reputation as a trusted provider of exceptional dental services for families.

Advanced Technology

By adopting digital solutions, our Kellyville practice offers dental procedures that are not only swift but also highly accurate.


We Listen

Dedicated to patient satisfaction, our dentist ensures every treatment plan is tailored to meet specific dental needs.

Flexible appointments

Need to schedule visits outside regular hours? Want a group session for your family? We’ve got you covered.


dentist schofields

MyHM Dentist in Kellyville, NSW, emerges as your premier destination for comprehensive family dental care. Our services are meticulously designed to nurture, rejuvenate, and preserve the health and aesthetics of your smile for the long term.

Dr. Matsuoka leads our practice with an impressive blend of expertise and empathy, having served the community for over two decades. Her commitment to gentle, effective care solidifies our reputation as a trusted provider of exceptional dental services for families.

Advanced Technology

By adopting digital solutions, our Kellyville practice offers dental procedures that are not only swift but also highly accurate.


We Listen

Dedicated to patient satisfaction, our dentist ensures every treatment plan is tailored to meet specific dental needs.

Flexible appointments

Need to schedule visits outside regular hours? Want a group session for your family? We’ve got you covered.


orthodontic treatments


From routine dental examinations to fillings and comprehensive gum care, we provide essential services to maintain optimal oral health.

continuing dental education

Cosmetic dental services

Our skilled team in Kellyville can transform your smile with cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening and custom veneers.

farnham road shopping village


With state-of-the-art digital techniques, we ensure your dental implant process is efficient, providing a lasting solution for missing teeth.


north west sydney

Kids Dentistry

Focusing on a positive approach, we make dental visits educational and fun for kids, promoting a lifetime of healthy smiles.

progressive orthodontics seminars

Root canal treatment

Utilise our expertise in endodontic therapy to effectively eliminate pain and save your natural teeth with minimal discomfort.

ponds shopping centre

Teeth Grinding

Address and manage teeth grinding with our personalised approaches, safeguarding your teeth from damage and alleviating symptoms.

Need help with any of these Kellyville dental treatments/services? Give us a call today!

about dr. Matsuoka

about dr. Matsuoka

Dr. Hiromi Matsuoka adopts a gentle and reassuring approach to dentistry in Kellyville. She has the instant ability to be able to alleviate patient fears and make them feel both calm and relaxed. As such, although she has only been practising in Kellyville for a short period, she has over 20 years of dental experience under her belt, previously practicing dentistry on the Gold Coast. 

dr. Matsuoka

Dr. Hiromi Matsuoka adopts a gentle and reassuring approach to dentistry in Kellyville. She has the instant ability to be able to alleviate patient fears and make them feel both calm and relaxed. As such, although she has only been practising in Kellyville for a short period, she has over 20 years of dental experience under her belt, previously practicing dentistry on the Gold Coast. 

about dr. Matsuoka

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Our Kellyville Dentist

What is included in the process of placing dental implants?

The process of placing implants involves several stages, each crucial for ensuring the long-term success of the treatment.

Initial Consultation and Comprehensive Dental Examination

The journey towards tooth implants begins with an initial consultation at a dental clinic, where patients undergo a comprehensive dental examination. During this phase, dental professionals assess the patient’s overall oral health, focusing on the condition of their gums and the density of their jawbone, which are pivotal for the success of the implant. This examination may involve X-rays or 3D imaging to provide a detailed view of the oral structures and to plan the implant placement accurately.

Treatment Planning

Following the initial assessment, a tailored treatment plan is developed. This plan takes into consideration the number of missing teeth, the health of the remaining teeth, and the specific needs of the patient. Effective communication between the dental professionals and the patient is key during this stage to ensure that the proposed dental treatments align with the patient’s expectations and lifestyle.

Dental Surgery for Implant Placement

The placement of the dental implant is a surgical procedure that requires precision and expertise. It includes placing a titanium post into the jawbone, functioning as a substitute for the tooth root. This surgery is performed under local anaesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort. The high level of skill and advanced technology available at dental clinics ensures that this critical step is carried out with minimal discomfort and maximum efficiency.

Osseointegration Process

After the implant has been placed, a crucial period known as osseointegration begins. This is the stage where the titanium post merges with the bone, providing a solid platform for the replacement tooth. The duration of this process can vary, but it is essential for the success of the implant. During this time, patients may be fitted with a temporary crown to allow for normal eating and speaking.

Attaching the Abutment and Dental Crown

Once osseointegration is complete, the next step involves attaching an abutment to the titanium post. This component serves as a link between the implant and the dental crown. After the abutment is in place, dental professionals proceed to fit the custom-made crown, which is designed to match the colour, shape, and size of the surrounding healthy teeth, ensuring a natural and seamless appearance.

How can dental implants be properly cared for?

Understanding how to care for dental implants is crucial for patients who have undergone this dental treatment, ensuring that they continue to provide quality dental care for their new smile.

Daily Oral Hygiene

The cornerstone of dental implant care is maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Brushing twice a day with a gentle toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste helps to remove plaque and bacteria from the teeth and implant surfaces. It’s equally important to floss daily, using unwaxed tape or implant-specific floss, to clean around the implants, abutments, and under the gum line where bacteria can accumulate.

Specialised Cleaning Tools

Several specialised cleaning tools can aid in the care of dental implants. Interdental brushes designed to fit between the teeth and around implants can help remove plaque and food particles from areas that are difficult to reach with traditional brushing. Water flossers are also beneficial, offering a gentle yet effective way to clean around implants and improve gum health.

Regular Dental Check-ups and Cleanings

Routine check-ups and professional cleanings at a dental clinic are vital for the long-term success of dental implants. These visits allow dental professionals to monitor the health of the implants, check for any signs of infection or inflammation, and remove tartar build-up that cannot be eliminated with home care alone. Typically, patients with dental implants should see their dentist every six months, though some may require more frequent visits depending on their individual requirements and the advice of their dental care provider.

Avoiding Harmful Habits

Certain habits can jeopardise the health and stability of dental implants. Smoking, for example, impairs the healing process and increases the risk of implant failure. Similarly, chewing on hard items such as ice, hard candies, or pens can damage both natural teeth and implants. Patients are advised to avoid these habits to protect their implants and ensure their longevity.

Immediate Action for Problems

Should any issues arise, such as discomfort, increased mobility of the implant, or signs of infection (redness, swelling, bleeding), it’s imperative to seek dental care immediately. Early intervention can prevent minor problems from developing into major complications, preserving the integrity of the dental treatment.

What types of foods are suggested after having dental implant surgery?

After undergoing dental implant surgery, the focus on recovery is paramount, with diet playing a crucial role in ensuring a smooth healing process. The right nutritional choices can significantly affect the success of the surgery and the longevity of the tooth implant. Selecting soft, non-irritating foods that provide ample nutrition while avoiding complications is essential during the initial healing period.

Immediate Post-Surgery Diet: The First 24 Hours

In the first 24 hours following tooth implant surgery, it’s advisable to consume only liquid or pureed foods that don’t require chewing. This approach helps to prevent any undue pressure on the implant sites. Options such as broths, soups (served lukewarm to avoid irritation), smoothies (without seeds or nuts), and meal replacement shakes are excellent choices. These foods are not only gentle on the surgical sites but also provide hydration and essential nutrients to support the body’s healing process.

Soft Foods: The First Week After Surgery

As the healing progresses, patients can introduce soft foods that require minimal chewing. Foods like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, soft fruits (like bananas or applesauce), yoghurt, and cottage cheese are ideal. These options continue to protect the implant sites while offering more variety and nutritional value. It’s also a time when patients can start enjoying slightly more substantial meals, such as pasta and soft-cooked rice, ensuring they are well-cooked to maintain softness.

Nutrient-Rich Foods for Healing

Incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet is crucial for promoting healing. Foods high in protein, vitamins A and C, and minerals like zinc and calcium support tissue repair, bone growth, and overall health. Tender fish, tofu, mashed or pureed beans, lightly cooked veggies, and dairy are rich in vital nutrients. They aid in healing, fostering the seamless integration of the dental implant.

Foods to Avoid

Certain foods and habits should be avoided in the weeks following dental implant surgery to prevent damage or irritation to the implant sites. Hard, crunchy foods like nuts, chips, and hard fruits or vegetables can exert undue pressure on the implants. Sticky foods can pull at the implant site, while spicy and acidic foods may irritate the healing tissues.

Gradually Resuming a Normal Diet

As healing progresses and with the guidance of your dental professional, you can gradually reintroduce more solid foods into your diet. It’s important to listen to your body and the advice of your dental care provider to avoid any foods that feel uncomfortable or could compromise the healing of your dental implants. Regular follow-up appointments with your dental clinic will provide an opportunity to assess healing and advise when it’s safe to return to a normal diet.

What are the steps of a root canal procedure?

Initial Examination and X-rays

The root canal process begins with a comprehensive examination of the affected tooth and the surrounding gum and bone tissue. This initial assessment is critical for determining the extent of the damage or infection. Dental professionals utilise X-rays to gain a detailed view of the tooth’s interior and to assess the shape of the root canals and the presence of any infection in the surrounding bone.

Anaesthesia and Tooth Isolation

Local anaesthesia is applied to ensure the patient feels no discomfort, numbing the area near the tooth in question. A rubber dam is then positioned to isolate the tooth. This isolation is crucial for preventing contamination of the tooth with saliva during the procedure.

Pulp Removal

Access to the damaged or infected pulp is achieved by drilling a small opening in the crown of the tooth. Specialised dental instruments are then used to carefully remove the pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals. This step is delicate and requires precision to ensure that all the diseased material is removed, preventing further infection and pain.

Cleaning and Shaping the Canals

After the removal of the pulp, the next step involves thoroughly cleaning the empty root canals to eliminate bacteria and debris. This cleaning process may include the use of antibacterial and antifungal agents to disinfect the area thoroughly. The canals are then shaped with small instruments to prepare them for the filling material. Proper shaping is essential for the success of the filling process.

Filling the Canals

Once the canals have been cleaned and shaped adequately, they are packed with a biocompatible material, typically gutta-percha. This rubber-like material is placed into the root canals and sealed in place with dental cement. The filling and sealing process is critical for preventing bacteria from re-entering the root canals and causing new infections.

Restoring the Tooth

With the root canals filled and sealed, attention is turned to restoring the structure of the tooth. A filling is often placed in the opening created at the beginning of the procedure. After undergoing a root canal, it’s typical for the tooth to need a crown for protection and restoration of its full function. The crown not only strengthens the tooth but also improves its appearance.

Follow-Up Care

The final step in the root canal procedure involves follow-up care. Patients may need to return to the dental clinic for additional X-rays to ensure the infection has been completely cleared and to monitor the healing process. Proper dental hygiene practices and consistent dental check-ups are essential for maintaining the health of the treated tooth and preventing future issues.

What factors contribute to gum disease?

Gum disease impacts a substantial number of individuals, manifesting symptoms that vary from slight gum swelling to extensive harm to the gums’ soft tissue and underlying bone. Understanding the various factors that contribute to the development of gum disease is essential for prevention and management. These factors can be broadly categorised into lifestyle choices, health conditions, and environmental influences.

Lifestyle Choices

  • Poor Oral Hygiene. Inadequate oral hygiene stands as the primary catalyst for gum disease. Neglecting regular brushing and flossing enables plaque accumulation along the gum line, fostering bacterial growth and triggering inflammation.
  • Smoking and Tobacco Use. Smoking and the use of tobacco products considerably increase the risk of developing gum disease. Tobacco use impairs the body’s immune response, making it more difficult for gum tissue to recover from bacterial infection.

Health Conditions

  • Diabetes. Those with diabetes face an elevated risk of infection, including gum disease. Variations in blood sugar levels can compromise the immune system, heightening vulnerability to gum infections.
  • Hormonal Changes. Hormonal changes, especially in women during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and menstruation, can lead to heightened gum sensitivity and a greater susceptibility to gingivitis.

Environmental Influences

  • Medications. Certain medications can reduce saliva flow, which has a protective effect on the gums and teeth. Insufficient saliva production can elevate the likelihood of gum disease.
  • Genetic Predisposition. Genetics also play a role in the susceptibility to gum disease. Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to be more at risk, regardless of their oral hygiene practices.

Require a family dentist who prioritises your dental health and happiness? MyHM Dentist is here to assist. Reach out to us on (02) 9158 6379 to book your next appointment.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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