Call Us: (02) 9158 6379

Beaumont Hills Dentist

Providing superior family dental treatments with a personal touch!

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Kellyville patients

At MyHM Dentist in Kellyville, NSW, we are your trusted partner in family dental care. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to support, enhance, and protect your smile throughout life.

Leading our team is Dr. Matsuoka, who brings 20 years of expertise to our practice. Known for her gentle approach, she has become a trusted figure in providing compassionate and effective dental care. With us, your family’s dental health is in expert hands.

Advanced Technology

Leveraging the latest in digital dental technologies, we ensure each treatment is tailored for efficiency and comfort.


We Listen

Our approach in Kellyville involves listening carefully to patients, making sure their dental health goals are achieved with precision.

Flexible appointments

Require an appointment that aligns with your busy life? Interested in a family booking? Let us help you.


beaumont hills dentist

At MyHM Dentist in Kellyville, NSW, we are your trusted partner in family dental care. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to support, enhance, and protect your smile throughout life.

Leading our team is Dr. Matsuoka, who brings 20 years of expertise to our practice. Known for her gentle approach, she has become a trusted figure in providing compassionate and effective dental care. With us, your family’s dental health is in expert hands.

Advanced Technology

Leveraging the latest in digital dental technologies, we ensure each treatment is tailored for efficiency and comfort.


We Listen

Our approach in Kellyville involves listening carefully to patients, making sure their dental health goals are achieved with precision.

Flexible appointments

Require an appointment that aligns with your busy life? Interested in a family booking? Let us help you.


beaumont hills dental services


We manage all aspects of oral health, offering thorough checkups, cleanings, fillings, and essential gum care.

beaumont hills dental practice

Cosmetic dental services

Brighten, straighten, and perfect your smile with our range of cosmetic services, including whitening and dental veneers in Kellyville.

local beaumont hills dentist


Our clinic uses the latest digital technologies for dental implants, making your treatment smoother and more efficient.


emergency dentist beaumont hills

Kids Dentistry

Fostering a friendly and fun atmosphere for children’s dentistry, we ensure their first experiences are positive and reassuring.

beaumont hills residents

Root canal treatment

Utilising advanced techniques, we provide swift and effective root canal treatment to alleviate discomfort and restore health.

beaumont hills dental clinic

Teeth Grinding

Address teeth grinding with our targeted strategies, offering both preventive advice and treatment options to protect your smile.

Need help with any of these Kellyville dental treatments/services? Give us a call today!

about dr. Matsuoka

about dr. Matsuoka

Dr. Hiromi Matsuoka adopts a gentle and reassuring approach to dentistry in Kellyville. She has the instant ability to be able to alleviate patient fears and make them feel both calm and relaxed. As such, although she has only been practising in Kellyville for a short period, she has over 20 years of dental experience under her belt, previously practicing dentistry on the Gold Coast. 

dr. Matsuoka

Dr. Hiromi Matsuoka adopts a gentle and reassuring approach to dentistry in Kellyville. She has the instant ability to be able to alleviate patient fears and make them feel both calm and relaxed. As such, although she has only been practising in Kellyville for a short period, she has over 20 years of dental experience under her belt, previously practicing dentistry on the Gold Coast. 

dr matsuoka glenwood

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Our Kellyville Dentist

What steps are involved in positioning dental implants?

Initial Consultation

The first step in the journey towards dental implants is an initial consultation. During this session, a dental professional will evaluate the patient’s overall oral health, the condition of the jawbone, and discuss the desired outcomes. This stage may involve taking dental X-rays or 3D images to assess bone density and plan the implant placement precisely.

Treatment Planning

Following the initial assessment, a comprehensive treatment plan is developed. This plan considers the number of teeth missing, the condition of the remaining teeth, and the patient’s overall health. Treatment planning is crucial as it lays out the roadmap for the entire implant process, ensuring that each step is tailored to meet the patient’s specific needs for cosmetic improvement and oral health enhancement.

Preparatory Procedures

In some cases, preparatory procedures such as bone grafting are necessary to ensure the success of dental implants. Bone grafting is performed to enhance the jawbone’s density, providing a stable foundation for the implants. Other preparatory steps may include tooth extractions and treatment of any existing gum disease.

Implant Placement

Implant placement involves a surgical procedure where a titanium post is inserted into the jawbone, serving as a replacement for the tooth root. This surgery is typically conducted under local anaesthesia to minimise discomfort. The titanium post serves as a strong and stable foundation for the new tooth.


Following the placement of the titanium post, a process known as osseointegration begins. This critical phase involves the jawbone integrating with the surface of the implant, creating a durable bond. Osseointegration can take several months, during which time patients may be given temporary restorations to wear over the implant sites.

Abutment Attachment

Once osseointegration is complete, an abutment is attached to the titanium post. This component functions as a connector between the implant and the replacement tooth. In certain scenarios, the abutment may be installed concurrently with the implant.

Fabrication and Fitting of the Prosthesis

The final step involves the fabrication and fitting of the crown, dental bridge, or denture that will sit atop the implant. Impressions of the patient’s mouth are taken to ensure that the prosthesis matches the natural colour, shape, and size of the surrounding teeth. Once the custom prosthesis is ready, it is securely attached to the dental abutment, completing the restoration.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Proper upkeep is vital for the longevity of dental implants. Patients are advised on how to care for their implants, including regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental checkups. Quality dental care and good oral hygiene practices are vital to ensuring the success and durability of the implant.

What are suitable food options after undergoing dental implant surgery?

Immediately following the surgery, it’s crucial to choose foods that will aid in the healing process, minimising discomfort, and ensuring the best outcome for the implant.

Soft Foods to Start

In the initial days after your surgery, your mouth will be sensitive, and chewing can be uncomfortable. It’s recommended to start with a diet of soft foods that require minimal chewing. Options like smoothies, soups, and broths are excellent because they are gentle on the surgical site and can be packed with nutrients to support healing. Ensure that these are not too hot, as extreme temperatures can irritate the implant area.

Protein-Rich Foods for Healing

Protein is a key nutrient in the healing process, aiding in the repair and regrowth of tissues. Soft protein sources such as scrambled eggs, Greek yoghurt, and cottage cheese are suitable options. These foods are not only gentle on the mouth but also provide the energy and nutrition needed for recovery.

Fruits and Vegetables in a Gentle Form

Fruits and vegetables are important for their vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which bolster overall health and facilitate healing. However, raw fruits and veggies can be too harsh to chew initially. Opt for pureed or softly cooked fruits and vegetables, such as applesauce or steamed carrots, to ensure you’re still getting these vital nutrients without straining your mouth.

Staying Hydrated

Hydration is key to a smooth recovery. Water, of course, is the best option, but you can also hydrate with things like coconut water, which provides electrolytes, or herbal teas, which can be soothing. Steer clear of using straws, as the suction can impede the healing process.

Foods to Avoid

Just as some foods can promote healing, others can hinder it. It’s important to avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can dislodge the implant or irritate the surgical site. Similarly, spicy and overly seasoned foods should be avoided as they can cause discomfort.

Gradually Reintroducing Other Foods

As your healing progresses, you can gradually reintroduce other foods into your diet, starting with softer options and slowly moving back to your normal diet as comfort and healing allow. Always follow the guidance of your dental professional regarding dietary recommendations and the overall post-operative care plan.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Teeth whitening, when performed or supervised by dental care professionals, is generally safe. It’s crucial, however, to have a comprehensive dental assessment beforehand to ensure suitability and minimise potential risks such as sensitivity or gum irritation.

What are the reasons behind the need for dental checkups?

Dental checkups are essential for maintaining your family’s oral health, as they allow for the early detection of potential problems and the prevention of dental diseases. Regular visits ensure that problems like cavities, gum diseases, and even oral cancer can be identified and treated early, safeguarding the dental well-being of the whole family.

What are the variances between cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry aims to boost the aesthetics of an individual’s teeth, gums, and smile, frequently resolving concerns like tooth discolouration, misalignment, and gaps with treatments like veneers, whitening, and implants. General dentistry, on the other hand, concentrates on the maintenance of oral health, preventing, diagnosing, and treating oral diseases, and can also include the replacement of missing teeth to restore function. While general dentistry ensures overall dental health, cosmetic dentistry aims to provide aesthetic enhancement.

When is the appropriate age for a child's initial visit to the dentist?

A child’s initial visit to the dentist should occur around the time their first tooth appears, but no later than their first birthday. This early visit helps establish a foundation for good oral health practices and allows the dentist to monitor development and address any concerns promptly.

Need a dentist who understands your family’s needs and strives for the best outcomes? MyHM Dentist is your answer. Contact (02) 9158 6379 to arrange your next appointment.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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